■ 社費及捐款

入社費Initiation Fee


*2016.04.06 會員大會通過收取新社員入社費用
*Approved by Club Assembly on April 06, 2016, billed at the beginning of membership.

社月費Club Regular Fee:

TW$1,500 /Month

餐 費 Meal Charge:

TW$1,200 /Month

週年慶基金 Anniversary Fund

TW$600 /Month

Total Club Month Fee:

TW$3300 /Month

每年慈善捐款Charity Fund:

TW$5,000 /Year

例會小額捐款Smile Box:

TW$200 /at Least(if any)

*A penalty equal to the amount of the weekly meal charges is levied on any active member who is absent from a weekly meeting unless make-up attendance to other clubs.


Others – which include in Club Month Fee


US$100.00 / year /person

■ 社員義務Your Principal Obligations:
  • 例會出席: 若缺席例會,請在前後4週到他社補出席以補足出席率。
    Attendance: If absent, you can make up your attendance by attending a regular meeting of another Rotary Clubs, within 4 weeks before or after the date of your absence.
  • 參加社內聯誼及服務活動
    Active participation in club services and activities.
  • 捐款
    Donation to the club.